Sorvakko sports field

Sorvakon urheilukenttä kuvattuna yläilmoista

Etelälinjakatu 2
23500 Uusikaupunki

Opening hours
The field is in open to public use from the beginning of May to the end of September. But the training sessions, competitions and matches of sports clubs take priority. Simultaneous use is possible.
Sorvakko sports field is located close to the city centre, only half a kilometre away from the market square.
Technical data and equipment
  • Built in 2001
  • Meets international standards
  • Eight novotan-surfaced tracks
  • High-quality fittings and sports equipment
  • Grass pitch (100 m x 70 m)
  • The field includes maintenance and changing facilities and a grandstand

Intented use: 
The Sorvakko sports field is suitable, for example, for athletics and playing football.

Upcoming matches: 
You can check the upcoming league matches on the Palloliitto website.
Sorvakon kenttä |